Tuesday, February 2, 2010

DTS outreach

Today, we announced the outreaches for this DTS. Man, I am so excited. We have a Trifecta of leadership on the outreach team. Me, Hayley, and Stanley will be leading this team into the Zambian Wild and the suburb's of Joburg.
This is the team(front to back) Lennon, Leonard, Shayla, Mongo, Pinkie, Lizzy, Manuel, Marcella, Laney, Breanna, Brittany, Kelly, Rebekkah, Kacy, Michael.

Today, we announced the outreaches for this DTS. Man, I am so excited. We have a Trifecta of leadership on the outreach team. Me, Hayley, and Stanley will be leading this team into the Zambian Wild and the suburb's of Joburg.

These Students are amazing! 10 girls and 5 guy students. Keep us in your prayers as we start to develop as a team and for the planning of this outreach.


Unknown said...

Sounds cool!!

I didn't know you had a blog!! I just thought you were on Facebook. I'm glad you have this so I can come and look at pictures and stuff.

Derek Deniston said...

yeap i ahve had this for awhile and i am trying to get better at updating it.